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Here you will find books by North Park authors and others – non-fiction about North Park, Jackson County and Walden, Colorado; our world famous police report (No Humans Were Hurt), which has been cited in The New Yorker; a collection of insightful and humorous stories about Colorado’s former governor, Roy Romer; books about dogs (fiction and non-fiction); beautiful religious poetry; an advice book for parents dealing with Child Protective Services; and even a science fiction book (How Frank the Dog Saved the World).


We only publish well-written and engaging books on subjects we think are important. Our mission is, primarily, to celebrate our beautiful county and the talented people who live here now or have lived here in the past and remain connected to us.

 Walden, Colorado is a very special place. It is the county seat of Jackson County (also known as North Park). We are a mountain basin surrounded by the Park Range (shown above), the Medicine Bow Range (which divides the North Platte from the Laramie River in the north and the Poudre in the south), the Never Summers Range, and the Rabbit Ears Range. We are sixty miles from anywhere, and when we have to wait at a stop sign for a half dozen cars to go by, we wonder where all the traffic is coming from. We can leave our houses five minutes before a meeting starts and get there on time.

This kind of isolation doesn’t appeal to everyone, but those of us who live here love it. There is one person for every square mile in the county and plenty of elbow room. 

Jackson County is a  hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, hiking paradise, but it’s more than that. We have a thriving arts community with many painters, writers and artisans and a great community spirit. We even have DSL! Truly, living in Jackson County is like being in Heaven without having to die to get there.



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Books for All Occasions

When looking for the perfect book, for yourself or as a gift, make Walden Press, Inc. your first choice. Whether you're looking for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, advice books, and especially if you’re interested in Colorado history, Walden Press is the best small press in the field. We are selective about what we publish. This keeps our quality high and our prices low. Our books are shipped within 48 hours of your order, and usually sooner.


So what makes Walden Press, Inc. different? Well, foremost, we keep a relatively narrow focus – primarily books about Walden, North Park, Jackson County, Colorado, by local authors. Our mission is to celebrate the talent in this small community and share our love of this place with the world. If an author has a specialty – like Carolyn Lewis with her many years of experience in Child Protective Services or Wayne Robinson with his religious poetry – we go a little outside North Park in subject matter.


And then there’s our quality: well-written, well-edited, well-designed books that please your eye to look at, and hold, and read. Most of our books are designed by the brilliant Alan Bernhard of Argent Books in Boulder.


Another factor contributing to our uniqueness is Colorado authors writing about a special place in Colorado. Walden, Jackson County, North Park is one of those rare places that has changed little in the last 100 years. New houses, new stores, new people, yes, a few changes have occurred...but how many of you still recognize your hometown? In this world that moves so fast and is so crowded, Walden remains a true hometown.


So share some of our specialness by reading about our history. Read The Jackson County Star Police Report (No Humans Were Hurt) and laugh along with us at the funny things that happen in our rural community, and be amazed by the lack of crime.


Our books have been reviewed in The Denver Post, the (now-defunct) Rocky Mountain News, The Greeley Tribune – and cited in The New Yorker.


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